Start your Quarantine Morning with this prayer

Here’s a great prayer — anyone of any religion can use this prayer and it’s a great way to start your day in Quarantine!

Dear God,

I join in prayer with the circle of angels that perpetually surround the earth & envelope it in a cocoon of divine love. Please heal all human beings of all suffering, sickness + disorder & flood all hearts with divine love. Thank you, God.


You can say it as is or specifically invoke the deity of your religion. As you can see in the tweet below, I thank Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

Miracles are events that involve a) clear divine intervention and b) defy statistical probability. Angels are uniquely equipped to act as conduits for miracles, so joining in prayer with them increases the probability that whatever we’re asking God for could actually become a reality on earth.

Asking God to heal every single person on Earth is a big ask. Your logical mind will tell you it’s not just statistically improbable, it’s impossible. Pray anyway. Pray on principle. And join in prayer with the angels to take any edge off the intention in your heart.

It can be hard to pray for people on earth who have bad intentions for humanity. Too fucking bad. Pray even harder for those assholes. If you absolutely cannot find in your heart to pray for your enemies or the enemies of people you love (or enemies of humanity, et al), ask God to simply put the desire to forgive in your heart.

Obviously God knows what’s in your heart already, but be frank and say what’s on your mind. Something like this:

God, I hate the child pornographers & human traffickers and I want to personally murder them. Not in a mean way, just in a, “oh wow, now you’re no longer on earth to hurt people, you fucking sick fucks! Bye!” way. But I know, I know, murder and vengeance are bad. All the same, I would be soooo happy if one day tribunals for these g.d. sadistic psychopaths were held on the National Mall followed by executions via firing squad. So if that’s not your will, then please just put the desire to forgive in my heart.

Now, 4 things: hate and hatred are always declarations of impotence. So whenever you find yourself feeling hate, know that you have forgotten how incredibly immeasurably powerful prayer is.

Thing 2: when we declare judgment against a person (not their actions — and this is an important distinction: when judging, we would ideally label the action as good or bad and not the person) we put ourselves at the level of God. So in order to allow the final decision/judgment to stay where it belongs, in the hands of God and not in our hearts, where it could fester in vengeance and slowly eat away at our ability to have empathy for suffering, we would ideally stay away from predicting a person’s divine future (such as, going to hell, etc.)

Thing 3: careful with murder fantasies! Isn’t a desire for public execution a murder fantasy? It is. Now if that’s what’s in your heart, that’s what’s in your heart, God already knows that and you might as well be honest. And capital punishment is certainly warranted in some cases (that is this writer’s view). But once we start indulging murder fantasies, we go into the same dark place as the producers of sn**f pornography. We can’t go back but we can go forward — and acknowledge that we’re human and flawed, and then pray for the miraculous healing of everyone on earth!

Which brings me to thing 4: we don’t want want to miss an opportunity to prevent future pain and suffering of the same nature. Imagine just 10% of the population on earth start praying every morning for everyone on earth to be healed by the power of divine love, and that just 10% of those who commit atrocities were healed: it would have a profound domino effect. Here’s why. The first thing that happens when God opens your heart is the ability to feel guilt, regret, and remorse.

Remorse is very uncomfortable. It doesn’t go away without confession. And I’m talking about confession to law enforcement not to a priest. One confession leads to another, which leads to an arrest, which leads to another confession — and so on. In a matter of months, whole criminal networks are disbanded by the power of guilt and confession, instead of years of investigators having to hunt down and re-hunt down the same ghosts.

One prayer. Every morning. A domino effect of pain-prevention! Please start your day and every day with the miraculous power of joining in prayer with the Circle of Angels to ask God to heal everyone on earth of all suffering. And then take a moment to reflect on how lucky you are to be able to feel guilt and regret — it means your heart is open! If it weren’t, you wouldn’t be able to feel joy either.

(None of my comments here should be interpreted to mean prayer should preclude or replace a system of justice and legal framework which allows judges and juries to sentence criminals. In a way, we could view prison itself to be a quarantine for those members of society who are sick and suffer from the inability to feel regret and remorse and to prevent themselves from hurting others again, in the same way in the future.)

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